More LPG Distributors To Be Appointed In Tamil Naidu



In an effort to reach out to consumers in far-flung areas, over 290 liquified petroleum gas (LPG) cylinder distributors will soon be appointed in the State. Oil industry sources explained that though there are over 1.92 crore customers being served by the three oil companies, there are still people who use wood-fired stoves. These appointments will also cover such consumers.

“Also there are locations in the State where customers travel over 15 km to pick up a refill from distributors. In some places where transportation facilities are not available, consumers shift the cylinders from one vehicle to another and at times the travel takes over two hours,” said an official of an oil major.

1,300 distributors in T.N.

Tamil Nadu already has around 1,300 distributors with the Indian Oil Corporation having the largest numbers. The process of appointing new distributors under the Grameen and Durgam Kshetriya Vithak schemes that began in August is nearing completion with the last stage being the online draw to select from applicants who have fulfilled all the criteria, said oil industry sources. The last draw was held on Thursday and in about a month the formalities would be completed from the companies side, an official said.


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