Busting rumours that LPG cylinder prices are likely to be hiked to Rs 1,000 per cylinder, the petroleum ministry today said domestic LPG cylinder rates are likely to be reduced in the coming days. “According to some news reports, LPG price may touch Rs 1,000 per cylinder. It is being clarified that this is not based on facts and the price is not being increased to Rs 1,000,” the petroleum ministry said in a tweet.
It said because of a fall in international fuel prices, domestic LPG prices are also likely to fall down in the coming days. At present, subsidised LPG costs Rs 507 in Delhi and non-subsidised Rs 942 per cylinder. LPG prices are revised at the beginning of each month but for the month of November, the price hike came twice — by Rs 2.94 and then Rs 2. The rates of non-subsidised LPG cylinders have been increased by Rs 60 in Delhi already this month and for the sixth consecutive time in as many months.