LPG prices were increased, marking the first upwards revision after three straight monthly cuts. In Delhi, while the subsidised LPG will cost Rs. 2.08 per cylinder more in March, non-subsidised LPG rate prices have been increased by Rs. 42.50 per cylinder, according to Indian Oil Corporation. Subsidised and non-subsidised LPG rates in the national capital stand revised to Rs. 495.61 per cylinder and Rs. 701.50 per cylinder respectively, according to Indian Oil, the country’s largest fuel retailer which supplies LPG under brand Indane. Before the latest hike, the subsidised LPG prices had been lowered by a total Rs.13.89 per cylinder in Delhi since November, data from Indian Oil showed. The non-subsidised LPG rates were reduced by Rs. 283.5 per cylinder during this period. In February, the subsidised and non-subsidised LPG prices in Delhi had stood at Rs.493.53 per cylinder and Rs. 659.00 per cylinder respectively.