There are about 27.5 crore LPG or cooking gas connections in the country and the coverage has reached 96.9 per cent as on January 1 this year, Rajya Sabha was informed on Wednesday. “We have 27.5 crore LPG connections in the country. Of which, 8 crore connections have been done under Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY),” Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister Dharmendra Pradhan said during Question Hour in Rajya Sabha. Responding to a query on lower LPG connections in Bihar, the minister said the state had achieved 22-23 per cent coverage when the scheme was launched. Now, the penetration has increased to 75 per cent in the last five years.
“LPG business began in the last 65 years. In 60 years, we were able to achieve 22-23 per cent coverage. But in last five years, the coverage has increased to 75 per cent. Bihar is one of the major beneficiary states of the PMUY,” he said.