Union petroleum and natural gas minister Dharmendra Pradhan came down heavily on opposition leader in Parliament, Mallikarjun Kharge, saying that only 50% of people in his district, Kalaburagi, have got LPG connection. Launching Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) Scheme in Karnataka here on Saturday, Pradhan said 12 districts of north Karnataka have not achieved much in this regard, and hence LPG connection is below average in the region.
“Yadgiri has only 31% of connections, while for Koppal and Bidar, it is 41% and 47%, respectively. But Kalaburgi district, which Kharge represents, has only 50%. Why was it not possible for Kharge to make it 100%?” he asked. “Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led NDA government has achieved 7 crore connections over the last three years. Since 1955, the total number of connections was only 14 crore,” Pradhan claimed.