Days after much hyped Tamil superstar Rajinikanth’s entry into politics, another megastar Kamal Haasan is set to announce political party’s name on February 21. It has been learnt that Kamal Haasan will announce his political party’s name on February 21 at Tamil Nadu’s Ramanathapuram and begin a state-wide tour the same day. The tour will be held in phases. He will begin the journey from Ramanathapuram — his hometown — and later visit people from the districts of Madurai, Dindigul and Sivagangai, according to reports. It will mark Haasan’s official entry into politics about which he has been making overtures since last year. “At the commencement of the journey, I intend to announce the name of my political party along with the guiding principles we intend to live by,” Haasan said in a statement yesterday. The veteran actor said he intends to challenge the status quo “that has been plaguing the politics of Tamil Nadu for some time now”.
“However, for this to happen, my thoughts and actions need to collectively resonate with the people,” he said, adding that through the state-wide tour he wants to familiarise himself with the people’s concerns. “…to truly understand as to what the needs of my people are?, what is afflicting them?, what their aspirations are?,” he said. Haasan said the tour was “neither an act of rebellion nor a gathering for glamour”. “This is a journey of discovery and learning and an opportunity for me to truly understand my people,” said Haasan. He exhorted the people of Tamil Nadu to “question mediocrity” and “raise the bar” of governance and welfare in the state.