Indian Railways have taken various initiatives in improving cleanliness of stations, trains, yards and all other premises. Some of the major initiatives taken towards improvement of cleanliness are:-
(i) Mechanized cleaning methods have been adopted in major stations.
(ii) Regular intensive cleanliness drives are undertaken at various railway stations by Zonal Railways.
(iii) Enforcement of Indian Railways (Penalties for activities affecting cleanliness at railway premises) Rules, 2012 has been intensified.
(iv) Use of CCTVs has been extended for monitoring of cleanliness activities at major stations.
(v) For better cleaning of coaches of trains, mechanized coach cleaning at Depots, On Board Housekeeping Services (OBHS) in important long distance trains, “Clean My Coach” and Clean Train Station (CTS) schemes have been provided.
This has resulted in visible improvement in cleanliness.
New Standard Bid Document (SBD) has been issued recently which is being implemented for integrated housekeeping of stations and trains. This will further improve effectiveness of housekeeping contracts.
This Press Release is based on the information given by the Minister of State for Railways Shri Rajen Gohain in a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha on 15.12.2017 (Friday)