India on Saturday recorded 22,272 new coronavirus cases, pushing the country’s overall tally to 1,01,69,118, according to the data provided by the Union Health Ministry. The country also registered 251 new fatalities, taking the death toll to 1,47,343.
As per the ministry, the total active cases in the country stand at 2,81,667. Also, with 22,274 new discharges in a span of 24 hours, the total recoveries have reached 97,40,108. Meanwhile, the Indian Council of Medical Research said 8,53,527 samples have been tested for coronavirus on Friday. The total number of samples tested so far in India are 16,71,59,289. The country’s Covid-19 tally had crossed the 20-lakh mark on 7 August, 30 lakh on 23 August, 40 lakh on 5 September, and 50 lakh on 16 September.