Indian Oil Invites Applications For Setting Up 27,000 Petrol Pumps



Indian Oil Corporation(IOC), the country’s largest fuel retailer, today said it has invited entrepreneurs to set-up 27,000 petrol pumps pan India. “The country’s largest downstream oil major has issued an advertisement for setting up about 27,000 petrol pumps pan India. Interested entrepreneurs may see the detailed advertisement and brochure available on website, For location-wise details up to district level, interested entrepreneurs may also visit Indian Oil’s website,, and get state, city and district-wise details advertised by the company,” IOC said.

The retailer added that the eligibility norms have been relaxed this time and availability of suitable land at the advertised location or stretch was the most important requirement. However, applicants without land can also apply on a condition that when called by IOC they should be able to offer land. “Even in regard to finance criterion, candidates are expected to give only commitment towards development of retail outlet and working capital. The upper limit of age has been revised to 60 years and educational qualification has been maintained as passed minimum 10th,” the company said.


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