India Offers Rs 1 lakh crore Business In Bio-Fuel, Bio-Energy: Dharmendra Pradhan



Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister Dharmendra Pradhan has said India is a happening place as it is offering Rs one lakh crore business in bio-fuel and bio-energy to the investors across the globe.
“India is a happening place for energy. Every day 40 million people are going to hydrocarbon retail points to meet their demand, and 190 million people are getting the benefit of subsidies. India offers 1 lakh crore of bio-fuel and bio-energy business to the world,” Pradhan said while inaugurating the first edition of Delhi Energy Dialogue (DED) 2018, yesterday.

Addressing the gathering he said India is the third largest primary consumer of energy after the US and China. In the next 25 years, that is, by 2040, India’s energy consumption will grow by CAGR of 4 per cent.
The dialogue was organised by Ashden India Collective (AIC) in alliance with the Climate Parliament and TERI. The Delhi Energy Dialogue 2018 brought together all the stakeholder in the field of energy and power, on a common platform to deliberate on key developments and challenges for ‘energy for all’ in India.


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