Champat Rai, General Secretary of Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust, accepted the huge 500 kg Nagada that reached Ayodhya on Wednesday in a special chariot from Gujarat. He assured that it will be installed at the appropriate place. Gujarat VHP’s Ashok Rawal has sent a letter for accepting Nagada.Chirag Patel, who brought the Nagada, said that it is adorned with layers of gold and silver. The structure of Nagada involves the use of iron and copper plates as well. It was constructed by the people of Dabgar community. This huge Nagada, a symbol of Hindu culture, has been constructed in the Daryapur extension of Karnavati metropolis to be installed in the Ram temple.
A Huge 500 kg Nagada From Gujrat Reaches Ayodhya