In order to propagate the theme of World Environment Day – “Air Pollution” various activities were carried out at locations HPCL across the country. World Environment Day is the United Nations day for promoting worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment. Every year, June 5th is celebrated as World Environment Day to commemorate the historic United Nations Conference on Human Environment held during 1972. In order to create awareness among the masses, activities like Tree plantation, Talks on Air Pollution, Distribution of saplings, seeds and biodegradable bags etc. were carried out across different locations of the country on 5th June 2019.
On a larger scale, HPCL is committed to control the ‘Air Pollution’ in our country by implementation of the recommendations of ‘Auto Fuel Policy-2025’ by introducing the BS-IV & BS-VI fuels across the country. This, coupled with the introduction of clean fuels like CNG for the transport sector, will have a far-reaching impact in reducing air pollution. HPCL is committed to the cause of making earth greener.