Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh today said Uttar Pradesh has “unlimited development potential” and the state can become India’s growth engine. Speaking during a session on industrial and infrastructure security at the UP Investors’ Summit here, Singh said, “UP means ‘Unlimited Potential’ for development. UP has the potential to be India’s growth engine…” In the last 15 years, there were never such serious discussions and now development has staged a strong comeback, the Union minister said.
If there are any doubts in the minds of investors, then it is the right forum to remove them, Singh said. He added that once UP was a frontline state, then due to some reasons it lagged behind other states, but now a turnaround is clearly seen in UP, and now there is a double digit growth. Lauding Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Singh said, “The state government must be congratulated for its zero tolerance to crime and criminals, which has brought significant improvement in the confidence level of the people about the improvement in law and order scene.”