At least two PSU merger and acquisition deals would be concluded by the government in the current fiscal to reach closer to the higher disinvestment target of Rs 1,05,000 crore. Top sources in the government said that the deal where the NTPC will buy the entire government stake in hydro-power generator SJVNL and another involving either the Indian Oil Corporation or the Bharat Petroleum Corporation buying out marketing operations of GAIL may be concluded this year.
Together the two deals could provide close to Rs 25,000 crore to the Centre for selling its entire equity in the target company. The government’s 88.78 stake (including Himachal Pradesh government’s 26.85 per cent stake) in the SJVNL is worth around Rs 8,500 crore at current price of the company’s share on bourses. The value of Centre’s 52.68 per cent stake in undivided GAIL, at prevailing market price of shares, is around Rs 16,000 crore.