The Uttar Pradesh government has received seven e-bids, including those from top companies like Deloitte, BCG and Grant Thronton, for the appointment of a consultant to draw a roadmap to boost the size of the state’s economy to one trillion dollars over the next five years (2022-2027).
The state government is evaluating the e-bids and technical presentations by the bidders are likely to be made by mid-June. Those aware of the development indicated names of four out of seven bidding companies. These include Deloitte, BCG and Grant Thronton and Invest India . The state government had invited the e-bids by May 24 and the technical bids were opened on May 25.
“We are in the process of technical evaluation of the bids and the bidders are likely to be asked to make technical presentations by mid-June. We hope to open the financial bids by the end of June 2022,” said Alok Kumar III, secretary, state planning department, when asked to comment on the issue. The state government has also worked out roadmaps for different departments, said Kumar.