Terming the Union Budget pragmatic, Niti Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant said the government is determined to take India on a high growth path. He further said if the government will be able to achieve disinvestment target of 2020-21 then the Budget will be very successful.”It is a pragmatic Budget. It is pushes for public private partnership (PPP) in many areas. Budget lays lot of emphasis on AI, quantum computing, roadmap for infrastructure sector. The Budget will put India on right track.
“…The government is determined to take India to accelerated high growth,” he said at an event organised by industry body Ficci.Kant, however, also added that the major challenge of the Budget will be reviving animal spirit and credit flow.He said the finance minister laid emphasis on macro-economic stability.
“For an economy to grow at 8-9 per cent, animal spirit of the private sector is necessary. India’s USD 3 trillion economy can’t grow only on the back of investment by public sector,” Kant stressed.On disinvestment, Kant said the government is on tract as far as stake sale in BPCL, CONCOR and privatisation of Air India is concerned.