GAIL (India) Ltd, the state-owned natural gas transportation and distribution utility, is planning to spend Rs 751 crore to add a new 60 Kilo Tonne Per Annum (KTPA) polypropylene unit at its Pata petrochemical complex in Uttar Pradesh. Polypropylene is a thermoplastic used in the making of consumer products, plastic parts for automobile industry and textiles, apart from other applications.
The complex produces low and high density polyethylene from ethylene produced from the cracking of ethane and propane. In the process, the cracker also produces around 50 KTPA of polymer grade propylene which the company expects to use as a feed-stock for the proposed polypropylene unit. “GAIL is planning to utilize this propylene to set up a 60 KTPA Polypropylene unit in the existing complex at Pata. The proposed facility will be set-up along with the existing facilities at Pata,” the company said in an application seeking clearance from the environment ministry.