Union Road and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari on Thursday directed the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) to issue FASTags free until December 1, ostensibly to encourage people to move towards cashless and seamless travel. “Free FASTags will be available at all points of sale of the NHAI and they will also be made available at other places having a high potential of sales,” Gadkari told reporters at a press conference here. The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways is putting in deposit money of Rs 150 on behalf of each user for now.
Almost 90 per cent toll plazas are ready with FASTag infrastructure as of now and only some new toll plazas will face teething issues, the minister said. The government had announced that it would make FASTags or electronic toll collection system mandatory across all 537 toll plazas from December 1. The current mechanism of FASTag allows one hybrid lane, which can accept both cash and cashless transactions. Under this electronic system, the toll is deducted from the RFID (radio frequency identification)-enabled FASTag fixed on the windshield of a vehicle.