Prime Minister Narendra Modi said development and the fight against corruption and terrorism during the first 100 days of the NDA 2.0 government was just a “trailer” of a fast-paced film, adding puri film toh abhi baaki hai”, suggesting more concrete steps are on the anvil. Modi also took a dig at former Union Finance Minister P Chidambaram, saying some people facing allegations of corruption have already been put in their “rightful place”, a reference to him being sent to jail early this month.
The prime minister was speaking in Ranchi in poll-bound Jharkhand after launching a slew of measures including ambitious pension schemes for farmers, shopkeepers and self-employed persons. He also inaugurated a new building complex for the state Assembly and a multi-modal cargo terminal, which is expected to ease transportation in the mine-rich region.”Those who thought they are above law and above courts of the country are now approaching courts praying bail; some people have already gone inside (jail) which is their rightful place.