BJP president Amit Shah has said that everyone will have to accept the Supreme Court’s judgment in the decades-old Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid land title dispute case. Speaking at a conclave organised by a leading Hindi daily in Ranchi on Wednesday, Shah said that verdict in the case would have come a long time back but the Congress and its leader Kapil Sibal delayed the hearing.
He noted that when the verdict will be delivered, some may like it and some may not. “But in the end, everyone has to accept it,” he said at a conclave of Hindi daily Hindustan. “The verdict would have come a long time back but Kapil Sibal pleaded in the Supreme Court to defer the hearing till the Lok Sabha elections. Now the regular hearings have resumed in the court, the verdict is expected to come soon,” he said. Shah’s reaction comes after the Supreme Court on Wednesday set an October 18 deadline for the conclusion of hearings in the case. The move has raised the possibility of a verdict in the politically sensitive case by mid-November.
The deadline set by the top court assumes significance as Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi, who is heading the five-judge Constitution bench hearing the case, is due to demit office on November 17. There are multiple media reports that the verdict could be delivered on the day he retires. The Constitution bench also comprises Justices SA Bobde, DY Chandrachud, Ashok Bhushan and SA Nazeer.