Union Home Minister Amit Shah has directed the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) like CRPF, BSF and others to undertake a mega manpower planning and ensure that around 7 lakh jawans get to spend at least 100 days with their families in a year, officials said.
They said Shah was given a presentation last month about the functioning of the CAPFs in the ministry, following which he directed that the deployment details of the troops of these forces should be “digitised” so that better manpower rationalisation can be done.
The Union Home Ministry has now asked all the chiefs or Directors General (DG) of forces like CRPF, BSF, CISF, ITBP, SSB and Assam Rifles to undertake the exercise and implement a regime where a jawan or a constable gets to stay with his family for about 100 days, the officials said.