Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) raised the prices of diesel by 17 paise on Friday while leaving Petrol prices unchanged. The retail price of petrol and diesel stands at Rs 80.43 and Rs 81.35 per liter, respectively, in the national capital. The margin gap between petrol and diesel prices has increased to 0.92 paise per liter.
Oil companies shifted to a daily price revision routine on June 7, causing the prices to rise consistently till June 29. Petrol prices have been left the same since then, while diesel has increased by Rs 11.96 over the course of a month.In Mumbai, petrol is priced at Rs 87.19, while diesel prices were hiked to Rs 79.56 from the earlier Rs 79.40. The recovery of global crude prices has boosted Indian fuel costs making the retail prices among the highest in Asia.