Dharmendra Pradhan Launches Report On Malnutrition, Calls For ‘Purvoday Poshan Abhiyan’

Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas and Steel, today released a report on Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey (CNNS) 2016-2018 conducted by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, UNICEF with the support of Population Council. The report provides a nationally representative data on the nutritional status of preschoolers (0–4 years), school-age children (5–9 years) and adolescents (10–19 years) with an aim to estimate the prevalence of malnutrition among children and adolescents and to identify key factors associated with nutrition.
This survey was also one of the largest micronutrient surveys ever implemented globally.  This report can provide direction to guide us in the right direction to reach the target of National Nutrition Mission 2022 and UN Sustainable Development Goals that aims to end all forms of hunger and malnutrition by 2030.
Minister Pradhan while releasing the report, pitched for ‘Purvodaya POSHAN Abhiyan’, a coordinated  effort to address malnutrition in Eastern India. He urged to adopt a holistic and multi sectoral approach towards addressing malnutrition and to bring together diverse stakeholders to create a dialogue and work towards achieving nutrition for all. He also said that he will write to respective state governments as well as key central ministries including MoWCD, HRD, Agriculture, Fisheries, Animal husbandry, Water Sanitation, Social Welfare, Tribal Welfare etc. to concert a collaborative effort towards this goal.He reinforced the commitment of Government to improve the nutrition status of mother and child.
Shri Pradhan released the data sheet of key nutrition indicators based on NFHS, RSOC and CNNS and key policy asks for nutrition outcomes which was prepared by Siddha Development Research and Consultancy Pvt. Ltd (SDRC) in collaboration with CFNS.  Dr Sujeet Ranjan, Executive Director, the Coalition for Food and Nutrition Security (CFNS) and its members met were also present on the occasion.CFNS made a presentation to the Honourable Minister on the vision and objectives of CFNS and its proposed plan to set up Odisha State Chapter in close coordination with CFNS members.
The Coalition also presented a plan to the Honourable Minister for getting the desired nutrition outcomes among the mothers and children in the Eastern Region (Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh) through multi-sectoral approach, active nutrition working group, Purvodaya Poshan Manthan on learnings and best practises among government, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), academicians, technical institutions, corporates etc.

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