Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) and Oil PSUs under the aegis of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas organised a campaign to sensitize the masses about importance and advantages of fuel conservation and its effective utilization. Every year Oil Industry observe “Oil & Gas Conservation Fortnight” (OGFC) during January. This year, Hon’ble Minister of State (IC), P&NG, Sh. Dharmendra Pradhan proposed to extend the period of this campaign to one month from 16th January to 15 th February, 2017; renaming from Oil and Gas Conservation Fortnight (OGCF) to सक्षम (संरक्षण क्षमता महोत्सव) in order to intensify the campaign for making masses aware about the need, issues and solutions for conservation & effective utilization of petroleum products. The Theme of the event is – “ईधं न संरक्षण की ज़िम्मेदारी, जन गण की भागीदारी”
It was decided to organize Mega Driving Training Workshops at six locations across India and Visakhapatnam was one of them. HPCL was chosen as lead company to organize the event at Vaisakhapatnam on behalf of the Industry. The following activities have been planned during the eventi. Driver Training Workshops for 600-700 drivers conducted by PCRA Officer / Faculty. The workshop would cover topics on petroleum conservation, safety and cashless transactions. ii. All drivers of Vizag (Oil industry) to be trained in batches for 4 days. iii.
Health Camp and Eye test for all the drivers. iv. Best Driver Award for 2 truck drivers of each PSU, based on their performance on Operations, Safety & Behaviour etc. to be given Gift Cards worth Rs 5000/- each. v. One-time Educational grant of Rs. 5000/- each to 20 wards of drivers passed in 10th Class. vi. First Aid Kit and Solar LED torch worth Rs 600/- along with Certificate of Participation from PCRA to be given to all the participating drivers. vii. Health Insurance for the participating Drivers. viii. Blood Donation Camp. ix. Promotion of Cashless Transaction. A “Fuel Efficient Driving Contest” was also organized on 14th April to give hands on experience to drivers in the form of contest on saving fuel while driving. The winners were awarded today with Rs. 5000/- each to Driver and Helper.
If Drivers take good care while driving to ensure optimum fuel consumption and proper maintenance of their vehicles, it reduces apprx. 20% consumption of diesel. This reduction results in saving huge cost runnin in thousands of crore, in terms of import bill of the country; make transportation more cost effective and improve Climate/Environment for people of the country. These programmes aim at making Oil Conservation a National Movement specially making all drivers aware of their role in this movement to achieve the desired goal.