Union Oil Minister Dharmendra Pradhan and Gujarat CM Vijay Rupani today launched Pradhan Mantri LPG Panchayat at Isanpur Mota in Gandhinagar. The union minister and the chief minister also unveiled the logo PM LPG Panchayat. Speaking at the launch, Pradhan said, “5 lakh women lose their lives due to smoke (during cooking), to save these lives we are taking this initiative.” Pradhan tweeted: “Kokilaben Parmarji is the 3rd crore beneficiary under #PMUY; Ujjwala has been changing the lives of millions of #women across the nation.” “#PMLPGPanchayat will be a platform for sharing experiences of women’s journey from bio mass to clean energy,” he wrote in a series of tweets.
CM Vijay Rupani thanked PM Narendra Modi and Dharmendra Pradhan for launching the scheme. The new scheme is a backup to the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana to distribute LPG connections among the rural areas where conventional fuel is used for domestic purposes. “Landed at Ahmedabad. Will be launching today the Pradhan Mantri LPG Panchayat : The Beginning of a Positive Change,” Pradhan posted on Twitter earlier this morning.