The newly elected Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday announced Rs 1 Lakh subsidy for the medically fit people who wish to go for Kailash Mansarovar pilgrimage. Adityanath, addressing his Parliamentary constituency of Gorakhpur, said: “Those who want to go for Kailash Mansarovar pilgrimage (if they are physically fit), will be given a subsidy of Rs 1 lakh.” He further added that a Kailash Mansarovar Bhavan will be built either in Lucknow, Ghaziabad or Noida soon. The CM, who was addressing his public meet after taking over as CM, said that no one will be discriminated on the basis of caste or religion. “Na jaati, na mazhab, na ling ke naam par koi bhedbhaav hoga. Vikaas sabka hoga. Kisi ka tushtikaran nhi hoga, (There will be no discrimination on the basis of caste, religion or gender. We promise development for all and there will be no polarisation between the rich and poor)” he said.
Further speaking about the ongoing Romeo squads in the state, the Adityanath said, “Humne prashasan se kaha hai ki aise tatvo par kadhai barti jaaye jo manchale hain. (We have asked the administration to take action against those who are involved in eve-teasing.) He added, “We have made anti Romeo squads in Uttar Pradesh active. Girls and boys on roads together should not be troubled if its with consent.” Thanking Narendra Modi, he said that he will work towards implementing Prime Minister’s vision of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas.’ Further speaking upon the law and order situation in the state, Adityanath said, “There will be no Goondaraj, no differences in the name of caste, class or religion. There will only be development for all.” No one should take law in their own hands, he added further. The CM also appealed his supporters to not to take law into their hands, he said: “Kahin bhi josh mein, hosh na khone ki stithi nahin aani chahiye. Ye hum sabki zimmedari hai (Under no situation, one should sensationally lose consciousness. This is our responsibility altogether.)”