The Delhi High Court will hear on Wednesday a plea by a Delhi-based designer, seeking the court’s intervention to check runaway fuel prices on grounds that petrol and diesel are essential commodities and the government must ensure a fair price for consumers. “Petrol and diesel are essential commodities and the respondent/government is failing in its duty to discharge its obligation under Section 3 (1) of the (Essential Commodities) Act and have indirectly given implied consent to oil companies to increase the prices of petrol and diesel at their own whims and fancies,” the petitioner, Pooja Mahajan, has said in her public interest litigation.
The petitioner, through her counsel A Maitri, has also alleged that fuel prices are politically controlled. “There is no explanation on the part of the respondent/government on why fuel prices remained static for approximately 22 days during the Karnataka elections… The petitioner has reasons to submit that enhanced fuel prices (petrol and diesel) are being demanded/charged as per political wish, need and necessities,” the petition alleged.