13, the total number of women beneficiaries were 19.86 crore, which resulted in disbursement of Rs.9,930 crore. DBT ensures cash benefit directly credited into the account of the beneficiary with the help of Public Financial Management System (PFMS). Such a mechanism helps in removing duplicate/ fake beneficiaries, plugging of leakages, and cutting wastage, thus ensuring the effective use of resources for schemes such as the LPG subsidy or wages under the rural employment guarantee programme. As on date, 427 schemes implemented by 56 Central Government ministries and departments use DBT.
DBT is heavily dependent on JAM — the trio of Jan Dhan Yojana (over 38 crore accounts), Aadhaar (over 125.43 crore holders) and mobile connections (116 crore subscribers). The scheme was initiated by the UPA Government on pilot basis on January 1, 2013. The Modi Government, in its first term, started using it widely. The scheme took off in November-December 2014, when all the districts in the country and key schemes were brought under its ambit.