In the presence of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, on Thursday, BJP candidate Dara Singh Chauhan filed his nomination papers for the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Council (MLC) by-election.
Notably, the election for the vacant legislative council seat, following the resignation of Dr. Dinesh Sharma, was initially scheduled for January 29. However, after the announcement of a public holiday on January 22 due to the consecration ceremony in Ayodhya, the Election Commission issued a revised election schedule on Monday. Now, the by-election will take place on January 30.
Additionally, the withdrawal of names will occur on January 23 instead of January 22. Dr Sharma’s term for the MLC seat is until January 30, 2027. During this, Deputy Chief Ministers Keshav Prasad Maurya and Brajesh Pathak, along with State President Bhupendra Chaudhary were also present.