The spectre of crashing milk prices and farm distress reached Delhi on Tuesday with dairy farmers from Punjab protesting at Jantar Mantar and emptying cans of milk on Parliament Street. The protest, organised by the All India Progressive Dairy Farmers Association, also petitioned the Centre for direct price support, higher export incentives and GST exemption for milk products. Members of the dairy union are expected to meet Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh on Wednesday.
“Prices in Punjab have crashed to a low of ₹20-22 for a litre of cow milk and ₹26-27 for a litre of buffalo milk. Despite these low prices, payments to farmers are getting delayed,” said S. Daljit Singh, president of the dairy farmer’s association. “We want the Centre to announce a direct subsidy of ₹5-7 per litre for dairy farmers and provide 50% incentive for export of milk powder,” Singh said. “Without government support, the situation will worsen as the flush season of milk production begins in October,” he added.