India and Israel will discuss cooperation in cyber security when Prime Minister Narendra Modi visits the country amid a series of cyber attacks across the globe, including by non-state actors. “Once it was a disadvantage to say that you are from Israel. Today when you talk about cyber or advanced technology, it is an advantage to say we are an Israeli company. The whole world wants us. The whole world is coming here,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in his remarks at the Cyber Week 2017 conference in Tel Aviv University.
Terming Modi as “one of the most important prime ministers of the world”, Netanyahu said the Indian leader wants close cooperation with Israel in many areas including in cyber security. “For example, there is going to be a visit of Prime Minister of India, one of the most important Prime minister’s of the world, with the third largest economy in the world growing very fast. He wants close cooperation with Israel in many fields — water, agriculture, health and also in cyber.
And he has a good reason to do so,” the Israeli Prime Minister told the gathering in Hebrew as per a video released by his office. Modi will be on a three-day visit to Israel starting July 4 to commemorate 25 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries.