India’s COVID-19 count surged past the grim milestone of 2.75-lakh cases today, according to the data released by ministry of health and family welfare. The states continued to register nearly 10,000 cases even on Tuesday. Maharashtra reported the highest number of fresh infections at 2,259 in last 24 hours. Tamil Nadu saw its biggest jump in COVID-19 count on Tuesday. Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu were the two states to confirm nearly 45% of total coronavirus cases in India. Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh also witnessed huge jump in coronavirus cases.
The number of deaths from coronavirus pandemic zoomed to 7,745. At least 274 people succumbed to death in last 24 hours. Maharashtra registered the highest number of fatalities in India. The death toll in Gujarat topped 1,300. The total number of active coroanvirus cases in India increased to 133,632. Nearly 48% of total coronavirus cases — nearly 1.35 lakh people — have recovered from the disease.