The number of fresh coronavirus cases in India rose 28,498 today, pushing its overall tally to 906752, even as the recovery rate further improved. The death toll climbed to 23,727 with 553 people succumbing to the infection in past 24 hours, according to Health Ministry’s latest data.
In past 24 hours, 17,989 patients were declared cured, taking the number of recoveries to 5,71,459. There are 3,11,565 active cases of the coronavirus infection currently in the country. The recovery rate currently stands at 63.02% while the number of recoveries exceed active cases by 2.59 lakh. This is the fifth consecutive day that COVID-19 cases in the country have increased by more than 26,000. The health ministry said that more than 70 per cent of the deaths occurred due to comorbidities.