The ruling Congress in Karnataka today accused Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath of “provoking communal passions” in the state ahead of the upcoming assembly polls. Joining the ongoing war of words between Karnataka chief minister Siddaramaiah and his UP counterpart, KPCC president G Parameshwara said his party respects Hindu monks (Swamis) and Adityanath is said to be one “but does not have qualities Swamis have.” “We don’t know what to call him (Adityanath). He is a Swami. We have respect for Swamis and address them with prefix of Sri Sri Sri but we don’t see any merits of a Swami in Yogi Adityanath,” he said. The Congress leader said the Uttar Pradesh chief minister’s speech here on Sunday was replete with allegations about Siddaramaiah’s personal life and his speech “polarised” society on communal lines. Hitting out Adityanath, he said “Why are you talking about Siddaramaiah’s food habits. You want to provoke communal passsions in people. You want to use cow slaughter and beef as weapons.”