In a dedicated effort to swiftly address public grievances, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath conducted back-to-back Janata Darshan session for the second consecutive day at the Mahant Digvijaynath Smriti Bhawan Auditorium within the Gorakhnath temple complex on Monday, listening to the concerns of around 200 individuals.
Subsequently, demonstrating a commitment to efficiency and empathy, he directed officials to take the necessary action in order to promptly and satisfactorily resolve the issues raised by people. He also assured people that justice would prevail during his tenure.
Addressing complaints about land grabbing by unscrupulous elements, CM Yogi emphasized his commitment to safeguarding the weak and the impoverished. He directed administration and police officials to identify and take stringent legal measures against those unlawfully encroaching on land and exploiting the less privileged.
CM Yogi extended assurance of comprehensive support for medical treatments, emphasizing a streamlined process for treatment-related estimates to be submitted promptly. He urged authorities to handle matters related to revenue and police with utmost transparency and impartiality.The Chief Minister also blessed the children that accompanied their parents at the Janata Darshan and gave them chocolates.