Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, on the eve of Vishwakarma Jayanti, distributed loans worth Rs 50,000 crore to entrepreneurs and artisans in the state’s MSME sector. According to a post on X by Chief Minister Yogi Adtyanath’s office on Sunday, Uttar Pradesh has become the first state to distribute loans to small entrepreneurs on such a large scale.
“The Chief Minister also said that loan interest subsidy @UPGovt will be given to the person who pays the installment on time through digital payment,” the post said. Moreover, a market will be built near the village secretariat and work on setting up a Common Facilitation Center will be done expeditious, it noted.
Separately, according to a news report by ANI, over the past six years, the state government provided loans worth Rs 66,000 crore, of which Rs 16,000 crore was distributed to 1.90 lakh handicraftsmen, artisans and small entrepreneurs earlier. Addressing the event at Lok Bhawan to distribute loans to MSMEs, CM Yogi Adityanath said, “Uttar Pradesh is fortunate from this point of view as it has a huge base of MSME, which has given a new identity to the state.”
Meanwhile, the UP government plans to host the Uttar Pradesh International Trade Show 2023 from September 21 to 25 in Greater Noida where more than 2,000 exhibitors comprising startups, MSMEs, and local craftsmen will be provided an opportunity to showcase their products on an international platform.
Last month, CM Yogi Adityanath launched the Chief Minister’s Micro Entrepreneur Accident Insurance Scheme in Lucknow to offer claims up to Rs 5 lakh in case of death or disability of a micro-entrepreneur due to an accident. Under the Mukhyamantri Micro Udyami Accident Insurance Scheme, micro-category entrepreneurs aged between 18 and 60 years can apply to avail of its benefits. Importantly, the Rs 13,000 crore PM Vishwakarma scheme by the central government was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 17 in Delhi to provide collateral-free loans to artisans and craftspeople of the country involved in 18 different trades.