Minister of State in Prime Minister’s Office, Jitendra Singh on Friday said Uttar Pradesh civic poll results show that the Indian public trusts Prime Minister Narendra Modi. “The Indian public has time and again shown support to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s policies and the BJP government formed under his supervision in Uttar Pradesh,” Singh told reporters here, adding that the Prime Minister’s graph is going higher with every passing year. BJP is currently leading the counting of votes in the Uttar Pradesh civic polls by a huge margin. Assured of another win of BJP in the upcoming Gujarat Assembly elections, Singh said that the Congress Party’s attempt to turn the tide by “pitting one caste against another” would not work on the youth. “In the 21st century, this party, who calls itself secular, attempted to pit one caste against the other, and one business class against the other. But, today’s Gujarat is of the youth and they go by logic, and they know their future is secure with BJP,” Singh said. He also took a jibe at Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi for his recent visits to temples in Gujarat.