India’s chief economic adviser Arvind Subramanian has resigned after serving for nearly four years and would return to the US, the finance minister said on Wednesday. “He would like to go back to the United States on account of pressing family commitments,” Arun Jaitley said in a Facebook post. “He left me with no option but to agree with him.”
Speaking with reporters, Subramanian said he hasn’t yet decided on the exact date of leaving the finance ministry, but it will be in a month or two. , Subramanain said that he had the best job and “also the best job I will ever have”. “I will go back with best of memories. I will always be committed to serving the country at all times in future,” Subramanian said, adding that in Jaitley he had a “dream boss”. The process of finding his successor will start soon, he added.
Subramanian, 59, joined as the chief economic adviser on 16 October 2014 for a three-year term, which was later extended by a year. The Indian-born, Oxford-educated economist was picked by Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the post, which was left vacant by former International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief economist Raghuram Rajan when he took over the reins of Reserve Bank of India.