The Uttar Pradesh cabinet met at Prayagraj, the venue of the Kumbh, on Tuesday and cleared the decks to construct what is being touted as the world’s longest highway — the Ganga Expressway between Meerut and Prayagraj.
At the meeting, held outside the state capital for only the second time in history, and chaired by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, it was decided that the 600-km Expressway will be built at a cost of Rs 36,000 crore on a stretch of 6,556 hectares of land. The proposed Ganga Expressway will weave through Meerut-Amroha-Bulandshahr-Budaun-Shahjahanpur-Kannauj-Unnao-Rae Bareli-Pratapgarh and end at Prayagraj, earlier known as Allahabad. The cabinet also decided to make tax free the Bollywood film “Uri”, based on the Indian Army’s surgical strike on terror bases in Pakistan.