The BJP-led government’s budget reforms have created a new work culture and they are transforming the socio-economic landscape of the country, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Sunday. After inaugurating the ‘Magnetic Maharashtra’ Investors Summit in suburban Bandra, he said the budget was not limited to outlay, its focus was on the outcome. Days after the presentation of the last full budget by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, Modi said all the four budgets of his government focused on the upliftment of the needy. He pointed to schemes with definitive targets like clean fuel for all and healthcare for all. “Now, our state is policy driven, governance is performance driven, government is accountable, democracy is participative.
We are making transparent ecosystem part of the new India,” he said. “We have taken governance to a level where intervention by the government is minimal. A country progresses when there is holistic vision which is inclusive and comprehensive,” the prime minister said. On budget reforms, Modi said changes like merging of rail budget, removing the “artificial wall” between plan and non-plan spends, advancement of the budget date had helped resources reach departments ahead of time and minimise monsoon impact. “Our focus is on development-policies based budget. In the last 3-4 years, budget reform and the change in thinking is developing a new work culture and also transforming socio-economic life,” he said.