Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman unveiled Atmanirbhar Health Yojana during Union Budget 2021. The new scheme will have a financial allocation of ₹64,180 crore over six years, announced finance minister. This will be in addition to the National Health Mission, said Sitharaman.
“Even at the outset investment in health infrastructure in this budget increased substantially progressively as institutions observe more. Taking a holistic approach, we focus on strengthening three areas- preventing, curative and well being. Health system a new Centrally sponsored scheme PM Atmanirbhar Swasthya Bharat Yojana will be launched with an outlay of ₹64,180 crore,” she said.
“Over six years, this will develop the capacity for primary, secondary, and tertiary care health systems and strengthen national institutions and create new institutions to cater and cure new and emerging diseases. This will be in addition to the National Health Mission,” she added.