Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday hit out at the opposition for opposing technology be it in the form of Aadhaar card or EVMs and said the BJP wants to promote a modern India by giving importance to skill development and innovation. Addressing BJP yuva morcha workers via the ‘Narendra Modi App,’ the prime minister also lauded efforts of party workers in maintaining the public mood in favour of the party despite rumours of a hung assembly in the 12 May elections in Karnataka.
“At 45 degree temperature heat, I have seen the enthusiasm of people…it is rare to witness such level of enthusiasm…I can see that in Karnataka, people themselves are fighting the elections,” he said. “People from all walks of the society are in the elections,” he added. Modi had yesterday addressed four rallies in poll bound Karnataka. He will be addressing three rallies in the state tomorrow. Despite disappointing news being spread that there will be a hung assembly, Karnataka BJP workers have played a key role in maintaining the atmosphere of enthusiasm in favour of the party, Modi said.