The Bharatiya Janata party and their saffron ally in Maharashtra, Shiv Sena, has announced a 25-23 seat-sharing plan for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls of 2019. Maharashtra has a total of 48 Lok Sabha seats. As far as the state elections are concerned, BJP and Shiv Sena have agreed to fight on an equal number of seats.
Today’s announcement comes after BJP chief, Amit Shah, reached out to their saffron ally in Maharashtra. BJP’s posturing was a result of Shiv Sena’s continued continued attacks on the BJP and Prime Minister Modi. Addressing the press, Maharashtra chief minister Devendra Fadnavis, said that both (BJP, Shiv Sena) are ideologically similar. Some differences will not stop us from coming together, emphasised Fadnavis. Both Shiv Sena & BJP agree that Ram Mandir should be built, reiterated Fadnavis.