With an eye to woo youths and prepare the ground for the big 2019 Lok Sabha elections, BJP is planning to hold a mega event in Varanasi which is Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Lok Sabha constituency. A youth convention ‘Yuva Udghosh’ will be held on January 20. Party president Amit Shah and UP CM Yogi Adityanath will address students at Kashi Vidyapith during the event, which may be attended by Modi, local party leaders said. The main event behind the event is to strengthen the party’s support base among the youth. “It will be an opportunity to renew the youths’ support for Modiji and also to influence first-time voters,” said a senior party leader, accoding to Indian Express report.
The BJP has launched an online registration exercise for people between 17 and 35 years on the website of the local party unit. Those who are presently 17-year-olds will be eligible to vote in the 2019 elections. “The party wants to catch them young,” said a BJP leader. In the online registration that ends on Tuesday, the party aims to enroll 17,000 people from 1,700 booths — at least 10 from each — in the five Assembly segments of Varanasi Lok Sabha constituency.