The BJP has declared a total income of Rs 1,027.34 crore during financial year 2017-18 and spent 74 per cent (Rs 758.47 cr) of it, according to a report by the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR). The ADR said the Congress was yet to file its audit report for the year. The BSP’s total income during year 2017-18 was Rs 51.7 crore of which the party spent only 29 per cent (Rs 14.78 cr), the report said.
The NCP was the only party to have spent more than its total income of Rs 8.15 crore. The party spent Rs 8.84 crore, the report said. Between 2016-17 and 2017-18, the income of BJP decreased from Rs 1,034.27 crore during 2016-17 to Rs 1027.34 crore during 2017-18. Six national parties collected 86.91 pc (Rs 1,041.80 crore) of their total income from voluntary contributions for 2017-18.
During 2017-18, out of the 6 national parties, only BJP declared receiving an income of Rs 210 crore from contribution through electoral bonds. The Communist Party of India (Marxists) alleged that the electoral bonds have become new ‘tax havens’ as commissions to be given to political parties are now being paid through these instruments and this was the case in the Rafale deal.