BJP president Amit Shah, who was on a day’s visit to the pink city on Tuesday, said the party was firmly grounded in Rajasthan like ‘Angad ka paair’, which can’t be uprooted (Angad, son of monkey king Bali, is a character in Ramayana who was famous for the strength of his feet which no one could move).
Shah also said it was imperative to win the assembly elections ahead of the 2019 polls as its “outcome would set the trend for the general elections next year”. He was addressing party workers at a Shakti Kendra Sammelan. He also met party executives and workers at four other programmes.
Assembly elections are due in BJPruled Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. Non-BJP states like Mizoram and Telangana would also go to polls before the 2019 general elections. In 2014, BJP had won 27 of the 29 seats in MP, 10 out of 11 in Chhattisgarh and all 25 seats in Rajasthan.