Delhi confirms bird flu cases after eight samples sent to a Bhopal-based laboratory tested positive for avian influenza. All eight samples — four from a park in Mayur Vihar Phase 3, three from Sanjay Lake and one from Dwarka — have been found positive for avian influenza, Dr Rakesh Singh from the animal husbandry unit of the Development Department said. The report of the test results arrive on Monday morning, he says. A drive to cull ducks has begun at the famous Sanjay Lake, where several ducks are dead in the last few days, Singh adds. Seventeen more ducks are dead at Sanjay Lake, prompting authorities to declare it an “alert zone”, DDA officials say.
Besides, the officials said, 91 crows have been dead in 14 DDA parks in the last couple of days. A few days ago, around 50 crows are dead in Central Park, Mayur Vihar Phase 3, officials say. Some samples were also sent to a lab in Jalandhar. Their results are awaited, Singh said.