The coronavirus pandemic in India witnessed a new peak with the states registering 12,881 fresh cases in a single day — the highest so far. The total number of coronavirus patients in the country zoomed to 366,946. Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Delhi — three worst-affected states — continued to record high number cornavirus cases in the last 24 hours. Uttar Pradesh and Haryana recorded the biggest jump in COVID-19 count on Tuesday.
The death toll in the country jumped to 12,237. At least 334 people succumbed to death in the last 24 hours. On Tuesday, India saw a huge jump in fatalities. Maharashtra and Delhi added over 1,600 deaths related to COVID-19 which were not reported earlier. There were 160,384 active coronavirus patients in India. Over 50% of total COVID-19 patients were recoverd from the diseases. Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged all “to not panic as more and more people are recovering from the deadly infection.”