Jet fuel prices on Wednesday were cut by 1.3 per cent — the first reduction after 10 rounds of price hikes — on softening international crude oil rates. Simultaneously, prices of commercial LPG – used by business establishments such as hotels and restaurants – were reduced by Rs 135 per 19-kg cylinder. The price of aviation turbine fuel (ATF) — the fuel that helps aeroplanes fly — has been reduced by Rs 1,563.97 per kilolitre, or 1.27 per cent, to Rs 1,21,475.74 per kl (Rs 121 per litre) in the national capital, according to a price notification of state-owned fuel retailers.
This is the first reduction after 10 rounds of price increases this year. Rates were hiked by Rs 6,188.25 per kl, or 5.29 per cent, on May 16, to a record high level of Rs 1,23,039.71 per kl. Commercial LPG rates were reduced to Rs 2,219 per 19-kg cylinder, from Rs 2,354, the notification showed. Prior to the cut, rates of commercial LPG had risen by Rs 355.5 per cylinder this year. However, prices of cooking gas LPG used in households remained unchanged at Rs 1,003 per 14.2-kg cylinder. Rates had been hiked by Rs 3.50 a cylinder on May 19. Prior to that prices were hiked by Rs 50 per cylinder on March 22 and again by the same quantum on May 7. Since April 2021, domestic LPG prices have risen by Rs 193.5 per cylinder.