In a first, BJP government in Assam has come up with first draft of the National Register of Citizens (NRC) at the stroke of midnight. The list includes the names of 1.9 crore people out of the 3.29 crore total applicants, recognising them as legal citizens of India. The rest of the names are under various stages of verification, according to reports. Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal has also asked the ‘genuine citizens’ who had been left out to not panic as they could still get their names included in the final list. “This is going to be a historic moment, not just for Assam, but for the entire country. While Assam was the only state which prepared an NRC way back in 1951 in the wake of post-Partition migrations, Assam will again be the only state to have a Register which will contain the names of all genuine Indian citizens residing in the state,” said Sonowal.